Frequently Asked Questions
For Health Care Professionals
Do I get CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for attending any of Andromeda333’s courses?
Yes. CPD hours dependent on Course duration.
Certificate of Attendance will be emailed on request once the course is completed.
If I am unable to attend an online course will it be recorded so that I can access it later?
Yes. However, it is much preferred if you can give advance notice of requiring that option.
For Parents And Caregivers
What courses can I attend?
Some courses are specifically for parents or caregivers.
Family constellations may include anyone interested.
Do I have to be a trained homeopath to attend your courses?
Some courses are designed specifically to meet the needs of homeopaths, or other health care professionals — information to use in their practices. Other courses are more suitable for parents and caregivers interested in learning more about homeopathy.
Do I need to do any research beforehand or have prior experience?
No. We take time to understand individual levels of knowledge and tailor our delivery to meet those needs.
General And Payments
What do I pay for courses?
There are varying rates depending on duration and level of each workshop, course, or seminar. See links to each course for fee structure and possible early bird, student or loyalty discounts. These links include payment deadlines. For all enquiries re instalment payment possibilities please apply directly by email:
How do I pay for courses?
Payments may be made by Internet banking, on BNZ Account 02 0552 0018495 00
No credit card payments.
International payments may be made on PayPal. E-mail for more information.
Family Constellation Workshops
What are Family Constellations?
Constellation work is a process by which family dynamics are made visible. Our workshops are conducted by a skilled, experienced Constellation Facilitator.
Who can attend a Constellation workshop?
Family constellations may include anyone interested
Who can attend a Constellation workshop?
Within a safe, workshop environment you will have the opportunity to both observe and experience family dynamics. You may choose to explore answers to a personal difficulty, issue or question of your own. You may be invited to participate as a representative within another’s constellation. In all ways there is much to be learned during a Constellation Workshop.
Do I have to have experienced constellation work previously?
No. There will be an email sent to registrants prior to the workshop with some explanatory notes of what to expect.